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Organic Green Plum Extract (Maesil Cheong)

Organic Green Plum Extract (Maesil Cheong)


Our Orgainc Korean Green Plum Extract or Maesil Cheong can be used to add mild sweetness, a hint of sourness and a fruity aroma to marinades, sauces, dressings, etc. 

It can also be used to make refreshing green plum juice or tea!


Amazing health benefits of green plum:


- Immune booster (vitamin C)

- Rich in antioxidants 

The iron, zinc, Vitamin E, lutein, and folate contained in green plums help ensure that your skin is nourished and invigorated.

- Digestion (Thanks to their high fiber content, green plums aid in the digestive process, allowing for better absorption of nutrients.)

- Reduce blood sugar (Plums are chock full of fiber, which helps slow down a blood sugar spike after you eat carbs. They can also boost your body’s production of adiponectin, a hormone that helps regulate your blood sugar levels.)


매실청 효능

-  면역력 (비타민 C)

-  항균, 해독 효과

- 소화불량

- 노화예방

- 설사, 변비 개선효과





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